CHILDREN EPILEPSY: How Does a Long-Term EEG Work ?

A long-term electroencephalogram (EEG) is a specialized neurological test conducted at the Children’s Hospital to analyze brain activity. On the occasion of International Epilepsy Day, let's take a closer look at this essential diagnostic tool.

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A Key Examination for Neurological Diagnosis

A long-term EEG is a gold-standard test for evaluating brain activity and refining the diagnosis of various neurological conditions, such as epilepsy or unexplained loss of consciousness. This painless and non-invasive examination allows for prolonged observation of brain function in conditions similar to everyday life.

The EEG plays a crucial role in diagnosing and managing pediatric neurological disorders. It provides a detailed understanding of brain activity, helping specialists tailor the most appropriate treatment for each child

Prof. Alec Aeby
Director, Pediatric Neurology Department