Gender Equality Plan


  1. Institutional framework

The Jules Bordet Institute, the Erasmus Hospital and the Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital set up, at the initiative of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (U.L.B.) and the City of Brussels, the approved hospital group known as the "Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles" (abbreviated to H.U.B.)  

The H.U.B., insofar as it results from the bringing together of the values championed by the ULB and City of Brussels, pursues  general interest and public service missions in the field of care, research and teaching.   

It should be remembered that, in Belgium, the ULB was the first university to welcome female students, to appoint a woman as faculty member and as full professor, and to appoint a woman to the Deanship and Rectorate. As part of the "Horizon Europe" (2021-2027) framework programme, the ULB adopted a   "Gender Equality Plan"1 and "Gender Charter".2 

Intrinsically attached to the values and missions championed by the ULB, in particular in regard to the teaching of medicine by the ULB's Faculty of Medicine within the H.U.B., the H.U.B. also intends to acquire a Gender Equality Plan (abbreviated to GEP), aligned with that of the ULB while also taking into account the specificities of a hospital activity. This GEP is applicable to the institutional processes that govern the activities and functioning of the group as such and to those of the hospital members who constitute it.   

The H.U.B. recognises the importance of having such a GEP. 

Given the statutory prerogatives of the H.U.B.'s board of directors, this GEP shall apply to all the institutional activities and process of the group and its members.   

To ensure the widest possible dissemination of this GEP, it will be published on the websites of the three hospitals as well as on the group website.   

This GEP shall enter into force from the 2022-2023 academic year and constitutes a dynamic process evolving over subsequent years. All its developments will be subject to follow up and ad hoc publications. 

  1. Gender equality within the H.U.B and its members   

Gender equality is a principle destined to apply continuously and in all the institutional processes and activities of the group and of its members.   

  1. Support for effective gender equality within the H.U.B and its members 

The institutional players 

For the HUB group: H.U.B General Director Renaud Witmeur, Medical General Director Jean-Michel Hougardy and Director of Human Resources Ann De Permentier. 

For Erasmus and Bordet: H.U.B General Director Renaud Witmeur, Medical General Director Jean-Michel Hougardy, Deputy General Director Francis De Drée assisted by Director of Human Resources  Ann De Permentier. 

For the HUDERF: H.U.B General Director Renaud Witmeur, Medical General Director Jean-Michel Hougardy, Deputy General Director Anna Groswasser, assisted by Director of Human Resources Ann De Permentier. 

Gender contact person: Ann De Permentier. 

ULB references in connection with respect for gender 

Vice Rector for academic policy in charge of the ULB's diversity and gender policy, President of the Erasmus Board of Directors, Member of the H.U.B Board of Directors:   Michel Verstraeten. 

The STRIGES [interdisciplinary research structure on gender, equality and sexuality]  which, as the GEP and ULB confirm, acts "as the MSH [House of Social Sciences] structure on gender, equality and sexuality, bringing together several dozen teachers and researchers from eight faculties (including medicine), schools and institutes of the ULB.   

With a quality scientific journal, Sextant, the Tassier Chair, numerous seminars and many other quality tools, the STRIGES increases the visibility of gender studies and makes it possible to generate new innovative structures."    

Dedicated resources 

The H.U.B. allocates useful resources to promote respect for the principle of gender equality within its institutions and the development of the internal expertise required within the "Gender" cell. A reference person will be designated within human resources management.   

  1. Collecting gender data and annual report 

The Gender Cell is charged with collecting all data relating to gender within the various fields in which the H.U.B. and its members are active.    

These data are analysed and summarised in an annual report drawn up by the Gender Cell that aims to:   

1) take stock of the gender question within the group; 

2) suggest to the institutional authorities actions designed to dynamically improve gender respect and institutional orientations on this subject;   

3) ensure the follow up of actions already undertaken; 

4) identify points worthy of attention and subjects or action that require specific measures;   

5) identify useful training in respect for gender and the avoidance of unconscious bias   

The annual report is published on the H.U.B. website and on the websites of the group hospitals.   

  1. Combatting implicit bias, especially when recruiting and promoting 

The ULB's GEP includes an informative video that draws attention to the existence of implicit bias.   

The H.U.B. fully embraces the principles stressed in this video conceived and created by the ULB to support its GEP and available at the following address: 

All the aforementioned principles must be applied,  mutatis mutandis, at the time of recruitment and career development within the H.U.B. and its member hospitals. All persons destined to sit on a recruitment or promotion panel will receive the abovementioned video in advance from the Gender Cell within the Human Resources Department.   

The H.U.B. includes members of the ULB academic or scientific staff. As such, they have access to a training made available and created by the ULB for teachers. As the ULB's GEP states, "this training titled 'Is my teaching sexist? Equality between men and women in higher education,' has the objective of clarifying various concepts useful to the gender, equality, parity, mixity, equity debate, to generate awareness of mental re-presentations on gender issues, and to become aware of the different moments in teaching when unequal treatment may occur."3 

  1. Actions for gender equality 

  • Establish contact with Actiris to consider if and how to integrate the diversity tool in the hospital environment;   

  • Develop partnerships in the framework of actions already conducted with the ULB's Gender Cell;   

  • Draw up a charter for gender equality in the field of the general policy of the H.U.B. and its members, research, careers and communication   

  • Identify additional communication training and tools for gender equality   

  • Communication campaign on gender equality and the fight against sexism and harassment   

  • Rework institutional texts and documents in an inclusive form   

This GEP has been approved by the Board of Directors that awards the General Director with the mandate to sign, implement and monitor its application.