

Teaching: one of the H.U.B.'s three missions

As an Academic Hospital, the Brussels University Hospital (H.U.B) is a privileged place for the transmission of knowledge within its three member institutions (Jules Bordet Institute, Erasmus Hospital and the Children's Hospital).  

The teaching of all the healthcare professions (doctors, nurses, paramedics, lab technicians, etc.) takes place in the field, in close contact with the medical teams and patients. 

A student job at the Children's Hospital

When you work at the HUDERF you are not only joining the H.U.B. You are also joining the only Belgian university hospital dedicated exclusively to children and adolescents. Here, everything is designed with the children and their parents in mind.   Our mission? To take care of these genuine super heroes! 


With a capacity of 183 beds, every year more than 14,000 children and adolescents are treated as hospitalised patients and 200,000 during consultations as outpatients.  As a medical and surgical hospital with more than 800 doctors, care staff and paramedics, the HUDERF guarantees quality care with the focus firmly on providing leading edge medicine that is accessible to all.  

Working at the Children's Hospital during your studies is a unique opportunity to give meaning to your training and to live an enriching human experience within our dedicated teams. Whether during the summer holidays or during the school year, working at the HUDERF is a great opportunity to gain valuable career experience. So join us! 


Are you seeking a nursing internship?

Do you want to do an internship with our teams? Nothing could be simpler! 
For an internship, you must be enrolled on a training course at Bachelor level: 

  • 4th year IRSG (nurse responsible for general care)
  • 5th year specialisation (Paediatrics, SIAMU [emergency and intensive care], Mental Health, Operating Theatre)

The internship must be for a minimum of 2 weeks, continuous. 

Submit your request at least 8 weeks before the start of the internship, using kristine [dot] vanaerschot [at] hubruxelles [dot] be (kristine[dot]vanaerschot[at]hubruxelles[dot]be)

Faire son stage au sein de nos équipes

L’Hôpital des Enfants accueille régulièrement des stagiaires en médecine, infirmier ou de l’enseignement secondaire et ce quel que soit le diplôme. Pour vos demandes de stage, adressez un email au moins 8 semaines à l'avance. 

Médecine / Chirurgie
Minimum 4 mois avant le début du stage. Communiquez : les dates exactes de début et de fin du stage, une liste de 4 services dans l'ordre de préférence où vous souhaitez effectuer le stage et un CV actualisé.)
Département infirmier
(infirmier(ère), sage-femme, spécialisation, master, aide-soignats etc.)
Autres (administratif, secrétariat, aide-logistique,etc.)

Policy on the protection of the private life of students doing an internship or carrying out research at the Institution