Enhancement of MRI Examination Comfort at Huderf
At the Children's Hospital, a technological advancement is now revolutionizing the MRI examination experience

When patients lie down on the table, they are immersed in an exceptional audiovisual experience thanks to a strategically positioned screen above them.
This new screen, from the Siemens Inno Visio brand, has recently been integrated into the MRI service at Huderf. It has been specially designed to provide unparalleled comfort to pediatric patients. Placed in the MRI tunnel, this innovative screen aims to soothe patients throughout the procedure, reducing the need for anesthesia.
The goal of this technological advancement is to transform the sometimes intimidating MRI experience into a calming and immersive one, promoting cooperation among young patients and improving their overall well-being.
Timothée Delchambre, Head of Medical Imaging Technologists, explains: "This screen, positioned above the patients' heads during the MRI examination, aims to reduce patient anxiety, make the examination more comfortable and quicker (as the patient moves less), and even make it entertaining. This significant advancement benefits not only children but also adults, thus providing quality service to all of our patients."