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In a case of strabismus, the two eyes do not look in the same direction.
Cases of strabismus can be visible from birth or become visible later.
Strabismus that develops in older children and adults causes double vision. On the other hand, a child who suffers from strabismus at an early age will not suffer double vision. This is because, in children, the image of the deviated eye is often neutralised by the brain to prevent the child from seeing double. In which case the brain does not use the deviated eye and the vision disorder known as amblyopia or lazy eye can occur. In some cases strabismus can be a sign of a neurological problem. A rapid examination is needed to exclude serious illnesses. Parents must therefore be particularly vigilant in detecting strabismus and ensuring early treatment.
At the Children's Hospital, the Ophthalmological Department treats children with strabismus. We have extensive expertise in the diagnosis and surgical or non-surgical treatment of strabismus. Experienced orthoptists assist the team of ophthalmologists in monitoring patients with strabismus. Consultations in paediatric neurology, paediatrics and imagery are available to complete the diagnosis of atypical strabismus. If a child has strabismus of recent appearance and has not yet seen an ophthalmologist, we accelerate the diagnosis. Simply notify our secretaries that the child seems to have strabismus when making an appointment.
Advice to parents
Treatment as soon as the first signs are observed makes it possible to avoid other ocular disorders and amblyopia in particular.
The symptoms are variable:
- Visible deviation of one eye
- Double vision of the same object (diplopia)
- Headache
- Tired eyes
- False or reduced perception of depth
- Unusual inclination of the head to look at objects.
If you observe one or more of these symptoms in your child, consult an ophthalmologist.

Our specialists
- Pr Postolache
- Dr Buisseret
- Dr Delle Fave
Orthoptists :
- Hamel Farah
- Lefevre Valentin
- Mercier Laetitia
- Lorent Marion
- Destouches Florence