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Child Psychiatry
Our role
The Child Psychiatry Department evaluates, orientates and treats the psychopathological situations of infants, children and adolescents in cooperation with their family and the support network (doctors, schools, social and legal partners, youth assistance, etc.).
The team acts both in the early prevention of problems as well as at the time of diagnosis and in managing a crisis or complex situations.

Our work is interdisciplinary with a bio-psycho-social approach that takes into account the various dimensions of the patient and his or her family: somatic, psychological, environmental, social and cultural.
Our specialities
The Child Psychiatry Department coordinates a number of units, each of which has specific expertise:
- The consultations unit welcomes children aged between 0 and 18, referred for a wide range of psychopathological disorders.
- The child psychiatry liaison unit works with hospitalised children and their families as well as with patients being treated for chronic diseases or complex medical conditions who show psychopathological suffering.
- The child psychiatry hospitalisation unit welcomes young people aged between 8 and 14 who show severe psychopathological suffering requiring admittance to a day/night unit for care.
- The day unit for young children, Therapeutic Kindergarten, welcomes young children aged between 2½ and 8 who are suffering from complex developmental disorders associated with emotional disorders, relational disorders, and problems with family, school and/or social integration.
- The APPI (early individualised autism care unit) treats, at a day unit, children aged between 1.5 and 3 years with a suspected or established autism spectrum disorder.
- The parents-baby unit receives, at a day unit, newborns and infants up to the age of 2.5 and their parents who present difficulties in establishing early bonds, development particularities or eating or sleeping disorders.
- The autism resource unit benefits from an IRISCARE convention and its consultations serve to diagnose, evaluate and coordinate care for children and adolescents with suspected autism spectrum disorders.
- Child Psychiatry Emergencies 24h/7
- SOS Children unit is an intra-hospital team subsidised by the ONE [Office for Births and Childhood] and dedicated to prevention, assessment and orientation for children at risk /victims of ill-treatment and their family.
Our Team

Our medical specialists

Chair of transition psychiatry supported by the Julie Ronson Fund, Queen Fabiola and King Baudoin Foundation. Professor V. Delvenne.
- The department is pursuing a number of research projects on the following themes:
- Transitional-age youth psychopathology: the neurodevelopmental and neuropsychological bases
- Transitional-age youth psychopathology : the emotional dimension
- Etiopathogenesis of school phobia
- Contribution of parental educational practices and attachment to the symptomatic expression of ADHD among school age children
- Evaluation and follow up of children diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder in French-speaking Belgium to optimise the diagnosis protocols, the necessary quality care and its accessibility and to determine the impact of an autistic spectrum disorder on schooling, the family and society (Cap48 medical research project).

Professor V. Delvenne, Head of Department, is Full Professor C in Master 1 at the Faculty of Medicine: course titled "Psychiatry of the Child and the Adolescent"
All senior staff are faculty members at the Faculty of Medicine for courses on the doctor-patient relationship and contribute to courses leading to the following university certificates: autism, ill-treatment, perinatology, transition, double diagnosis, eating disorders
Study Protocol : Transition_psy a multicenter prospective longitudinal cohort study assessing risk and protective factors to develop psychopathology in transitional age youth in Belgium.
- Authors : J.Reis, S. Marchini, A. De Leeuw, H. Slama, C. Leys, M. Delhaye, C. Kornreich, H. Nicolis, V. Delvenne
- Journal : Frontiers in Psychiatry, publié le 21/06/2021
The complexity of psychiatric care, from pregnancy to adolescence: beyond the endogenousexogenous dichotomy Title: A 5 years' experience of a parent-baby day unit: impact on baby's development
- Authors : Moureau A., Cordemans L., Gregoire C., Pirmez B., Delvenne V.
- Journal : Frontiers in Psychiatry, Sec. Perinatal Psychiatry, Volume 14 – 2023
Neurodéveloppement et neurodiversité : quelles évaluations pluridisciplinaires ?
- Authors : Reis J, Delvenne V
- Journal : Revue médicale de Bruxelles. 2023
Détection précoce, diagnostic et prise en charge des troubles du spectre de l’autisme
- Authors : Der Dieye N A, Reis J, Delvenne V, Sztalberg J.
- Journal : Revue médicale de Bruxelles. 2023