Ear, Nose and Throat (Pediatry)

Our specialities

The Ear, Nose and Throat Department is specialised in the medical and surgical treatment of the following pathologies:

Deafness and inflammatory diseases of the ear  

  • Systematic neonatal screening for deafness
  • Care for the deaf child within a network: diagnosis, etiological assessment,   PEA/BERA, radiology, surgery (e.g.: cochlear implant), rehabilitation in cooperation with the Centre Comprendre & Parler
  • Cholesteatoma and perforated eardrum  

Vestibular pathologies 

  • Assessment and rehabilitation of balance disorders. The department is a reference centre for functional otoneurology.   

Sinonasal diseases 

  • Congenital nasal stenosis, polyps and tumours 
  • Cystic fibrosis and primitive ciliary dyskinesia in cooperation with the Pneumology Department  

Pathologies of the respiratory tracts 

  • Stridor, obstruction and laryngotracheal stenosis 
  • Disorders of the voice, deglutition and orality within the voice clinic  

Cervical and facial pathologies 

  • Congenital neck cyst
  • Cervical tumour in cooperation with the Bordet Institute  

Congenital malformations, clefts and trisomy

Ear, Nose and Throat, general paediatrics:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea, otitis, allergies
  • Infections of the respiratory tract, abscess, cervical cysts  
  • Speech therapy and psychomotricity
  • Epistaxis, foreign bodies.

Our team


Our medical specialists


The Ear, Nose and throat Department cooperates actively with 

  • the Necker Hospital for Sick Children for pathologies of the ear
  •  KULeuven for pathologies of the respiratory tract


The Ear, Nose and Throat Department organises an annual interuniversity course for PGs and assistant doctors on the subject of the respiratory tract. The course is based on simulation and takes place in the HUDERF operating area.  

The Ear, Nose and Throat Department holds an annual multidisciplinary training day on paediatric vestibular care that brings together doctors, physiotherapists and audiologists. 


Lien vers Array

Changes in the epidemiology and clinical features of acute mastoiditis following the introduction of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

  • Journal: Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, . 2018 Jan;104:54-57. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2017.10.025. Epub 2017 Oct 20. 
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Characterization of pain after tympanoplasty and tympanomastoidectomy and analysis of risk factors. A prospective cohort study

  • Journal: Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Apr;279(4):1765-1775. doi: 10.1007/s00405-021-06845-y. Epub 2021 Jun 1.
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Three Years of Vestibular Infant Screening in Infants With Sensorineural Hearing Loss

  • Authors: Martens S, Dhooge I, Dhondt C, Vanaudenaerde S, Sucaet M, Van Hoecke H, De Leenheer E, Rombaut L, Boudewyns A, Desloovere C, Vinck AS, de Varebeke SJ, Verschueren D, Verstreken M, Foulon I, Staelens C, De Valck C, Calcoen R, Lemkens N, Öz O, De Bock M, Haverbeke L, Verhoye C, Declau F, Devroede B, Forton G, Deggouj N, Maes L. 
  • Journal: Pediatrics. 2022 Jul 1;150(1):e2021055340. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-055340.PMID: 35698886
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Vestibular and radiological characteristics of children affected by unilateral auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder

  • Authors: Laurent C, Fayad G, Favoreel A, Deltenre P, Devroede B. 
  • Journal: Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Jan;152:110967. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2021.110967. Epub 2021 Nov 10.PMID: 34785080