Emergency (Pediatric)

The emergency team has put into place a system of rapid evaluation guaranteeing safe care for all children. Safe and quality care for your child is at the centre of our concerns

Our specialities

The pathologies treated at the Emergency Department are very diverse.   

The team is aware that the degree of urgency felt by the parents and/or loved ones of children who are treated at the Emergency Department is certainly the cause of considerable anxiety. They can rest assured that the system of fast evaluation is effective and that each child is treated with the required rapidity.     

Children are seen in a precise order, in accordance with the degree of urgency. It is very probable that a number of children who arrive later will be seen as a matter of priority, their condition necessitating this rapidity. We give our assurance that waiting times are reduced to an absolute minimum.  

To ensure an optimal intervention for children it is essential to remember that the Emergency Department is not the place to see a specialist doctor. The service is designed solely to respond to vital emergencies.   

All the necessary examinations are carried out and staff cooperate with all the hospital's specialist doctors to deliver a rapid diagnosis.  

Our team


Our medical specialists



Every day, medical students are assigned a doctor with whom they will work closely throughout the day to ensure they feel they have sufficient support and benefit from the doctor's expertise.   The student is assigned to a different doctor every day to ensure exposure to the widest possible expertise.  



As the Emergency Department is a university hospital we participate in many research programmes. We always ask you, the patient, for your explicit consent before including you in a study. We are currently engaged in a study on the validity of a peak flow meter for children during an asthma episode.    
