Nephrology and Dialysis (Pediatric)

"All our patients are followed up by a multidisciplinary team who regularly update their knowledge to offer quality care for children. The team includes paediatric nephrologists, nurses, two dietitians, two psychologists, two social workers and a nurse educator. The team has in-depth knowledge in paediatric nursing care, including for dialysis, and also plays a supporting and counselling role with a readiness to listen."

Our specialities

The Nephrology-Dialysis-Transplantation Department is specialised in treating all kidney and urinary diseases, whether infectious, inflammatory or genetic, as well as congenital malformations. More specifically, the department is a centre for rare kidney diseases and a reference centre for renal failure. 

The department provides all forms of treatment for renal failure: 

  • conservative care
  • haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis
  • kidney transplant.

Dialyses are carried out at the HUDERF dialysis centre. This is managed by a specialised, experienced and multidisciplinary team.  

Chronically ill patients also benefit from an educational service. Teachers from the Robert Dubois School visit patients at their bedside to go through lessons together while specialised instructors organise play activities adapted to the patient's age and wishes. 

The Nephrology Department cooperates closely with the urological surgery team, the transplant coordination team at the Erasmus Hospital and the foetal medicine teams from the Erasmus Hospital and the Brugmann UH

Our Team


Our medical specialists

pierre smeesters labo


The department is pursuing a number of research projects on the following subjects: 


  • Clinical trials and innovative medicine
  • Proteinuria of genetic origin
  • Viral infections among child kidney transplant patients
  • Urinary infections
  • Renal lithiasis
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Malformations of the urinary tract


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Antenatal Assessment of Kidney Morphology and Function.

  • Authors : Ismaili K, Chiodini B.D, Cassart M, Khelif K.
  • Journal : Schaefer, F., Greenbaum, L.A. (eds) Pediatric Kidney Disease. Springer, Cham. (2023)