Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Pediatric)

"The Physical Medicine Department is a transverse unit that cooperates on a multidisciplinary basis with various HUDERF departments such as Neurology, the Pain Clinic and Orthopaedic Surgery Department.    

We also work with the various paramedical teams to coordinate functional rehabilitation activities (physiotherapy, ergotherapy, speech therapy, psychology, social welfare, orthesist, nurses)" 


Dr Lombardo Costanza
specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation

Our specialities

The department is active in a number of key areas:  

  • Outpatient consultations 
  • Multidisciplinary functional rehabilitation for outpatients 
  • The prescribing of mobility aid in conjunction with ergotherapy.   

The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department treats a large number of pathologies, such as: 

  • Pathologies of the locomotor system of mechanical origin 
  • Pathologies of the central and peripheral neurological system 
  • Functional disorders of diverse origin 

The team is also concerned with the medical aspects of social and professional reintegration such as the prescribing of aids and pain management.  

The team provides consultations in cooperation with other clinics:   

  • Multidisciplinary consultations for Cerebral Motor Infirmity in the framework of the CIRICU convention (Neurology team)  
  • Chronic pain consultations (Pain Resource Unit) 
  • Neuro-orthopaedic consultations encompassing the spasticity clinic, botulinum toxin injections and the movement analysis laboratory (cooperation with the HUB orthopaedics and neurosurgery team)

 More info : Secretariat Dr Lombardo Costanza ciricu [at] hubruxelles [dot] be (ciricu[at]hubruxelles[dot]be)


The clinic maintains inter-university collaborations in the framework of the ULB-VUB-ULg Reference Interuniversity Centre for Cereal Motor Infirmity (CIRICU) and the Belgian National Register of Cerebral Motor Infirmity (BeCPR).  

The clinic is a member of the European Academy of Childhood Disability  

Our team

huderf informations pratiques

Our specialists
