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Palliative care (Pediatric)
Our role
Palliative care is active and comprehensive care that covers physical, psychological, social and existential dimensions – values and beliefs included. This specific care improves considerably the quality of life and well-being of our patients and their families, who are our absolute priority, as part of a genuine life project developed in partnership.
Provided as part of a global approach for a child suffering from a serious, progressive and/or terminal disease, paediatric palliative care is proposed in situations when treatment targeting the diseases has unfortunately not proved effective. It is also proposed to children with a disease for which there is no evident treatment leading to a cure. The care is centred on relieving all the symptoms and is adapted to the needs and demands of the child and parents. These needs and demands may evolve over time.

Our specialities
Our mobile palliative care team acts in the context of the child's various living environments, depending on needs and demands. The period of support can vary from a few days to a few years and also includes bereavement. The team works together with the Globul’Home paediatric liaison team to ensure coordination of the return home and patient monitoring. Members of our palliative care team always work in pairs with external professional supervision. Multidisciplinary, it consists of a paediatrician, two psychologists and a nurse trained in managing acute and chronic pain as well as paediatric palliative care. Well known in our hospital, the associations Mes Mains pour Toi and Dr Zinzins also visit the child's home regularly to alleviate the day-to-day life of the child, brothers and sisters and families.
Engaged in a dynamic of seeking excellence of practice, all the teams at the Children's Hospital benefit from specific training in the field of palliative care. The palliative care mobile team has also embraced the mission of communicating the specific palliative care needs of children, adolescents and their families at national and international level on the occasion of congresses and within professional associations, so that more patients can benefit: Belgian Pediatric Palliative Care.
Nothing can replace the human contact established between you and our team. We therefore remain at your disposal to meet you, listen to you and answer any questions, either now or later when you feel the need.
Read online : http://www.bienplusquedessoins.be/
Face and Content Validity, Acceptability, and Feasibility of the Adapted Version of the Children's Palliative Outcome Scale: A Qualitative Pilot Study.
- Auteurs : Friedel M, Brichard B, Boonen S, Tonon C, De Terwangne B, Bellis D, Mevisse M, Fonteyne C, Jaspard M, Schruse M, Harding R, Downing J, Namisango E, Degryse JM, Aujoulat I.
- Journal : J Palliat Med. 2021 Feb;24(2):181-188
La dépression chez l’enfant en soins palliatifs. Réflexions entre psychologues, pédopsychiatres et équipe mobile de soins palliatifs.
- Auteurs : C. Van Pevenage, C. Strosberg, V Goban, I Lambotte, C. Fonteyne, V Delvenne
- Journal : Médecine palliative Soins de support Accompagnement Éthique(2020)
Utilisation du fentanyl transdermique chez le nouveau-né en soins palliatifs, à propos de trois cas.
- Auteurs : V Vlieghe, D Avino, C Fonteyne, A-B Johansson.
- Journal : Médecine palliative 2021 doi.org/10.1016/j.medpal.2021.11.004
Réflexions interdisciplinaires pour l’accompagnement de demandes d’euthanasie de mineurs en Belgique , Enfances Familles Générations
- Auteurs : F. Devaux, C Van Pevenage, C Fonteyne
- Journal : [En ligne], Articles sous presse, Numéro 42, mis en ligne le 15 mai 2023 URL : http://journals.openedition.org/efg/15781
Our team
- Dr Christine Fonteyne, paediatrician, Head of Pain and Palliative Care Clinic
- Nathalie Andersson, nurse
- Claire Van Pevenage, clinical psychologist
- Julie Cano Chervel, clinical psychologist
More infos : soinspalliatifs [at] hubruxelles [dot] be (soinspalliatifs[at]hubruxelles[dot]be)