Plastic Surgery (Pediatric)

"The Paediatric Plastic Surgery Department treats newborns, young children and adolescents with congenital or acquired abnormalities (trauma-burns or tumour) of the skin, head and neck, trunk or limbs."   

Our specialities

The Paediatric Plastic Surgery Department specialises in the following fields: 

  • Congenital facial malformations: the HUDERF's multidisciplinary centre for the treatment of cleft lip and palate is a Belgian reference centre for the treatment of clefts. The department also treats all other congenital malformations of the cervico-facial area (ears,   eyelids, branchial cysts and fistulas, etc.)
  • Mammary malformations and tumours, in cooperation with gynaecology and endocrinology.
  • Congenital malformations and traumas of the hand, in cooperation with orthopaedics.
  • General plastic surgery: for example, excision pf subcutaneous cysts or skin lesions in cooperation with dermatology.
  • Vascular anomalies: treatment of infantile haemangiomas and vascular malformations in cooperation with the interventional radiology of the Erasmus Hospital and dermatology. 
  • Children with serious burns: emergency treatment of burns patients in cooperation with intensive care and outpatients. "Serious burns" consultations are held every two weeks in order to monitor the functional and aesthetic evolution of burns. 

Our team


Our medical specialists

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The Paediatric Plastic Surgery Department is particularly active in research into children's wound healing. To do so, the teams cooperate closely with orthesists to develop medical devices making it possible to improve the quality and aesthetic aspect of scars. 

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The department proposes solid support for PGs and assistants who are present as interns: every month a science evening is held where they can present their current work and publications. 

The head of department is president of the ULB's Complementary Master's Degree in Plastic Surgery and teaches a course module titled "paediatric plastic surgery" to medical students at the ULB. 

She also gives courses in plastic surgery and surgery for serious burns patients leading to the inter-university diploma in "surgery under austere conditions" as organised by Belgium's French-speaking universities and MSF. 


Every month, the Paediatric Plastic Surgery Department and Ear, Nose and Throat Department organise, in the operating area, a day dedicated to treating pathologies of the head and neck common to these two specialities. 
